Yoga Nidra
Yoga Nidra, translated as "yogic sleep", is an ancient practice that I like to share as a yoga teacher. In this practice, the practitioner immerses themselves in a deep state of conscious relaxation. It is a systematic method that aims to direct consciousness from the outer world to the inner world. Unlike asanas, breathing exercises or meditation, yoga nidra is about achieving a state between sleep and meditation. My aim as a yoga teacher is to enable access to the deeper layers of consciousness through yoga nidra. Experience the healing power of Yoga Nidra and press the play button below.

Yoga Nidra is performed in the Shavasana pose. To do this, lay on your back on the floor. Your legs are hip-width apart or even slightly wider, your arms are relaxed next to your body with your palms facing upwards. Your head is relaxed on the floor. If the floor is too hard, you can also place a small pillow under your head. If you are cold, you can cover yourself with a blanket. It is important that you wear comfortable clothing that does not restrict you.